tools to shield website

Some tools to shield ur website

Websites are the Real estate in this digital era and along with designing and developing, you should also ensure the security of your websites. A number of good tools are available with which you can protect your website from various security threats. Let’s find out some of the advanced and workable tools for shielding a website.



Cloudflare is considered among the best-in-class Content Delivery Networks or CDNs in the market. It offers a whole range of brilliant cloud-based solutions for all website owners as well as for all network administrators, including reverse proxies, DNS service, SSL offloading etc. You must consider Cloudflare while thinking about safeguarding your website. It can shield your site from a lot of attacks.


 tools to shield website



Akamai is considered among the largest and well-known CDNs as well as the cloud services provider around the globe. At an approximate, it serves between 15 to 30% of all website traffic. If you are looking for stopping DDoS attacks or optimizing the delivery speed of content, then you should seriously consider Akamai. It is due to the fact that the “Prolexic’s PLXedge” technology of this company offers a 2.3 Tbps of separate bandwidth that is particularly used for DDoS absorption. It also utilizes a proprietary web-application firewall for providing a brilliant application layer protection.



Incapsula is one of the prominent secure CDN platform based on cloud and it’s targeted to websites and blogs. This incredible platform offers DDoS protection, load balancing etc. Incapsula also provides the facility of recognition engine that is greatly helpful in alleviating false-positive counts in case of even the most advanced layer 7 attacks. This particular attack frequently targets particular portions of a site, transforming malicious traffic into very tough to detect.


Incapsula is also featured with an additional layer of DDoS protection that is aimed at the protection of subnet network infrastructures, such as email and FTP. Just like CloudFront, it provides facility of a free tier, however, you need to invest in case you require WAF or DDoS protection.


Amazon CloudFront

CloudFront is a part of Amazon Web Services(AWS). It does its job brilliantly. However, you need to invest more in CloudFront than many of the services enlisted here in case you want to enjoy each and every feature of CloudFront.


CloudFront is capable of delivering any kind of website content irrespective of the type- static, dynamic or streaming. CloudFront also offers a brilliant GUI on its incredible management console that, in turn, enables users to add personalized SSL and provides wildcard cName support.


A great feature of CloudFront is dynamic scaling that is used to allocate more hardware resources automatically to handle the enhancement in website traffic and that’s also without any interruption on the users’ part.



It is designed on top of the platform of open source MaxCDN that has been acquired by the company last year. The content delivery service of StackPath has come with a brilliant and integrated web application firewall as well as with a completely-documented API.


It’s the high time to secure your website by choosing one of the aforementioned services.

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